Changlimithang Stadium i Thimphu

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BhutanChanglimithang Stadium


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Chang Lam, Thimphu, BT Bhutan
kontakter telefon: +975
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Latitude: 27.4711152, Longitude: 89.6408415

kommentar 5

  • Ashutosh Behera

    Ashutosh Behera


    This is a very renowned soccer stadium. It has held many international matches. And it is situated at a very pristine location. A must visit when in Thimphu.

  • en

    yogesh dahal


    It's a beautiful open ground, with traditional architecture vip stands and modern sitting stadium for close to 30000 people, this sots as the main ground for important matches. It also serves as the ground for important national celebrations.

  • Pema Gyamtsho

    Pema Gyamtsho


    It is national stadium of Bhutan where major important events are held. It has now new look with major facelifts. It received first artificial turf and lighting accessories making it possible for football lovers to enjoy their tournaments during night time.

  • Vaibhao Tatte

    Vaibhao Tatte


    Stadium is mesmerizing. It's designed beautifully. In evening with flood light looks amazing.

  • Samarjyoti Baruah

    Samarjyoti Baruah


    One of best stadium in architectural point of view that I have ever visited. Beautifully designed and decorated gates and entrance. Quite awesome to see the crafts and cravings. Located in Thimphu near the Centenary farmer's market. The Thimphu river just flows besides the stadium and the mountains surrounding the city gives some beautiful views from the stadium. There is also a standing Lord Buddha statue just outside the stadium, adding beauty to the whole area.

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