Express Car Wash i Timbu

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BhutanExpress Car Wash


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Timbu, Bután
kontakter telefon: +975
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Latitude: 27.4376844, Longitude: 89.655995

kommentar 2

  • en

    Omar Grung


    We are the John Cena of Express Car Wash

  • Rigzin Namdol

    Rigzin Namdol


    Xpress car wash is located at a ideal location at Babesa right next to the express highway. It provides car wash, vaccum cleaning and other at minimal price within a very short span of time. Other than car wash facilities a resturant and other are also available. View At the entrance you will be greated by five to six young boys who readly takes over your car for the work. From the entrance you may not know its a automated car wash facility. Just next to the car wash facility the Phuntsholing to Thimphu can be seen packed with locomotives. Beyond the highway the majestic Thimphu river flows down on its way to plains of India. Further beyond on the ridge you can see the central Nun Foundation's facilities in authentic Traditional Bhutanese architect. If you further gaze till where the horizons meet you will be blessed by the view of majestic view of Buddha's head at the zenith.

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