Good Karma Cafe i Thimphu

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BhutanGood Karma Cafe



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Norzin Lam 1, Thimphu, BT Bhutan
kontakter telefon: +975 17 66 98 65
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Latitude: 27.4697559, Longitude: 89.639406

kommentar 5

  • Jayesh Rana

    Jayesh Rana


    Very nice place. It is a wonderful cafe and have a great taste of all food items and good service

  • Nikunj Malani

    Nikunj Malani


    This place was delicious. The food was so good and the coffee was absolutely Nice place.

  • Kumba Dorjee (katsumaro)

    Kumba Dorjee (katsumaro)


    It's a nice place to hang out in town with the great view of clock tower. Nice atmosphere and design. Great food and services. And you will get one of the great pizza in the town.

  • Welcome to Bhutan— Yeshi Wangdi

    Welcome to Bhutan— Yeshi Wangdi


    Good view of clock tower and they got clean dinning service also good

  • Pema Namgay

    Pema Namgay


    As I am daily customer I visit the restaurant by early on 25/06/2022 I noticed the staff were working so hard and cleaning. I ordered a set of pizza and waited there they were trying their best to get my order ready as I notice I can feel tiredness in their eyes. So I intentionally ask them how they are getting their break days, they answered me horribley that they are almost a month with break, I was so shocked to hear and I felt petty on them. After sometimes owner was appeared and she was blaming her staff saying that they are not working well we're she don't value staff's time,their hardwork and their dedicate to their work indirectly the respect towards owner. Now it's time for you owner to think that they do have family were by they are working full months by having no time with their family and friends, thought they are tired they work so long for your living indirectly. Who will pay for their those off days.will you? But treating your staff well is must. I felt sorry for you all the staff of good karma cafe. 😌

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