Hotel New Grand And Pure Vegetarian Restaurant and Bar i Thimphu

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BhutanHotel New Grand And Pure Vegetarian Restaurant and Bar



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Thimphu, Bhutan
kontakter telefon: +975 2 324 290
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 27.4696147, Longitude: 89.6395212

kommentar 5

  • sudhakar gadela

    sudhakar gadela


    Good to stay and having quality and tasty food. Service is good and homely with best staff.

  • Harish Kumar

    Harish Kumar


    Absolute life saver for vegetarians in Thimpu Bhutan. We dropped in with a reluctance yday night since the pathway to the restaurant is not good, but the experience inside was just marvellous with the food and friendly staff. All the dishes we ordered were mildly spicy & simply delicious. All these for a bill of just 690 rs. A must visit for all veg Food lovers in Thimpu, Bhutan.

  • Rishikesh Nandan

    Rishikesh Nandan


    One of the best vegetarian restaurants around the place and economical pricing too.

  • Prome Nabid

    Prome Nabid


    Vegetarian restaurant with Lodge. Bhutanese veg and South Indian foods are available. Serves alcohol, beer and home made wine. WiFi was smooth, room heater and geyser/water heater worked as expected. Samsung LED TV was installed in both rooms. Stayed for 2 nights, six people in two rooms. Situated at prime location of Norzin Lam, holds nice view of clock tower.

  • Bengali sTOrY PrO & others side

    Bengali sTOrY PrO & others side


    New grand hotel of bhutan is really good . You can't forget there hearty hospitality and the food quality is good and if you take my then obviously try the EMA DUTSY ,Bhutan National Dish. The owner of the hotel I mean Sonam yangzom is really expensive. All of that I can say the hotel is not bad. Have a nice day and enjoy the experience of Bhutan.

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