Hotel Thimphu Tower i Thimphu

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BhutanHotel Thimphu Tower



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Clock Tower Square, Thimphu, Bhutan
kontakter telefon: +975 2 335 367
internet side:
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Latitude: 27.470703, Longitude: 89.639624

kommentar 5

  • ravi kumar

    ravi kumar


    Good hotel good location and good staff

  • Ajith Jose

    Ajith Jose


    The hotel beat my expectations from a 3 star. Rooms, service, restaurant, food, staff communication etc were good! In addition, it's located well in the middle of the city.

  • shaul levy

    shaul levy


    We love Bhutan and had very pleasant , stay in hotel tower, a modern clean .and well eqwiped hotel in Thimpu. The owner, Tshering, take care personally twards the guests. the stuff are very experienced and efficency. Shaul, Israel.

  • Indranil Choudhury

    Indranil Choudhury


    Excell location. Huge and modern rooms. Highly recommended.

  • Aditya Makwana

    Aditya Makwana


    Best place to stay in Thimpu. Loved the food.Its staff is very sweet. The view from the hotel is magnificent.

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