Imtrat Hospital i ཐིམ་ཕུུུུ

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BhutanImtrat Hospital



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Mandagåben 24 timer
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FJ9Q+PCQ, Thimphu, Bhutan
kontakter telefon: +975
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 27.4693443, Longitude: 89.6386241

kommentar 5

  • Kinzang Norbu

    Kinzang Norbu


    One service that IMTRAT provides to bhutanese public.

  • Welcome to Bhutan— Yeshi Wangdi

    Welcome to Bhutan— Yeshi Wangdi


    I am not sure of others health service but the dental is very excellent I have been visiting there many time and the dentist gives best check up and compare to JDWH hospital I recommend to visit imtrat hospital if you have teeth problems but be early morning as they issue limited token only Treatment are done so well

  • Namgay Wangchuk

    Namgay Wangchuk


    Is it open during Saturday???

  • Mukesh Dhillon

    Mukesh Dhillon


    IMTRAT hospital is in the service of people of Bhutan since early 60s. Present building was built in 1970. It’s giving excellent service to the people of Bhutan. Tashi Delek!

  • Pema Gyamtsho

    Pema Gyamtsho


    Good and faster services. They are more cordial with their patients. Well maintained place. It lacks parking space.

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