Karma Hotel i Bumthang

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BhutanKarma Hotel


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Nangar Highway, Bumthang, BT Bhutan
kontakter telefon: +975 17 12 65 88
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Latitude: 27.4971709, Longitude: 90.7837136

kommentar 5

  • Yang Zo

    Yang Zo


    Business is good in prime locations where no hotels are nearby which makes people compulsorily avail the service which is good but the sanitation is the biggest concern where the blankets and bedsheets are hardly changed. Even the options for vegetarians are so common or not delicious as it should be. And the service attendees are not friendly. It's not to blame the team but what if the service team could provide service professionally to their customers. The location is best with a beautiful environment around. It's breathtaking for those who visit the place for the first time. And I know the international tourists are dying to visit such a place, which is actually very lucky for all the Bhutanese. The rooms are specious and very good, designed in Bhutanese style. The restaurant is also good and very beautiful. The only need for change is, the attitude of attendees, if blankets and bedsheets are changed daily if not occasionally. And I'm sure those who don't take Karma Bus service will also avail the service, which is good for their Business. I loved the place and location by the way ☺️

  • Phub Dorji

    Phub Dorji


    Nice location. The owner is very helpful and kind. Good food

  • Jiosha Sha

    Jiosha Sha


    Room is good but service is too poor, staff pretend like owner of that hotel specially that reception lady, nothing in breakfast, dinner only 2 item beaf n chicken, for vegetarian only ama dashi...

  • Jamyang Loday

    Jamyang Loday


    Good hospitality and eco-green hotel.one of my best stayed hotel..but during winter it would be good if heaters are available..prices are good and acceptable..Thank you for your hospitality....

  • Jeewanath Lamichaney

    Jeewanath Lamichaney


    We were travelling to Thimphu and had planned to halt at this place. We were initially given rooms and were about to go get our stuffs and go into the room when a lady comes to us and says that we are not allowed in the hotel since it's only for passengers of Meto Transport we were kicked out. We asked the driver if what the lady said was true and he said that there is no such thing/rule.

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