Kizom Cafe Pizzeria & Bakery i Phuentsholing

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BhutanKizom Cafe Pizzeria & Bakery



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Gatoen lam, Phuentsholing, Bhutan
kontakter telefon: +975 77 14 16 16
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.8617223, Longitude: 89.3816875

kommentar 5

  • Sherab Zangpo

    Sherab Zangpo


    This place has a amazing view of zangdhopelri park. It is centrally located at the heart core of the city and walkable distance from entrance of border gate. The coffee and cakes here are perfectly tasty and delicious. So if you are tired and wanted have some coffee break then this is the best place. Try here if you are at Phuntsholing

  • Siddhesh Kumbhar

    Siddhesh Kumbhar


    A very cozy and modern cafe set in a beautiful location in Phuentsholing, Bhutan. It has amazing coffee, pizza and pastries. The ambience is just amazing and welcoming. The staff is very friendly and the service is top notch. Definitely recommend for coffee and cheesecake lovers.

  • Priyanka Sinha

    Priyanka Sinha


    Whenever I visit Bhutan, I make sure ,I dine in here at Kizom cafe, I love the pastries, pizza, lemon honey tea...These are my favorite.

  • rubina raona

    rubina raona


    Me and my friend visited Phuntsoling recently and we wanted to just chill out in a cafe. Just opposite the park we found this Cafe, which is cost yet it can accommodate a good number of customers. The ambience was good, the service was good and also the food was good. The staff was friendly and polite. We tried out there blueberry cheesecake which was so fresh. We also had the choco lava pastry which was good because it wasn't extremely sweet. We sat there for almost an hour comfortably while talking and sipping our tea and coffee.

  • Bruno DSouza

    Bruno DSouza


    One of best burgers you can have in Bhutan...You can avoid the drinks very Average.

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