Matsutake Cafe i Thimphu

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BhutanMatsutake Cafe



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33, Hogdzin Lam, Thimphu, BT Bhutan
kontakter telefon: +975 17 63 34 33
internet side:
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Latitude: 27.4714214, Longitude: 89.6391245

kommentar 5

  • Kaushik Ahmed Reza

    Kaushik Ahmed Reza


    Cafe in the center of the town. They have good outdoor seating.

  • Loven RAMOS

    Loven RAMOS


    Had a couple of meals, coffee and pastries here and they were alright. The biggest appeal of the place though is it’s bright interiors and balcony with a well placed location in the middle of Thimphu’s busiest thoroughfare where one can comfortably people watch and watch the city go by as you sip your coffee. It’s a popular haunt now so better get earlier than the usual lunch time to get a better seat by the balcony.

  • Yan Key

    Yan Key


    Cozy place to relax in the summer heat. The seat by the bamboo plants are my fav. The food is good and the workers are really approachable and friendly

  • tshomo phintsho

    tshomo phintsho


    Probably the best location. Easily accessible. Coffee there is meh. But try the waffles there u will keep coming back for that.

  • tshering dema

    tshering dema


    Great location, good food but lukewarm service. The iced latte and the chocolate waffles was excellent. The matsutake nuggets was very doughy. The service was super slow

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