Park Hotel Bhutan i Phuentsholing

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BhutanPark Hotel Bhutan



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Tharpai Lam, Phuentsholing, BT Bhutan
kontakter telefon: +975 17 81 05 28
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Latitude: 26.8618557, Longitude: 89.3832224

kommentar 5

  • Gourav Agrawal

    Gourav Agrawal


    Had a great stay at the hotel. The service was good and very friendly environment. The Indian food is very good and tasty. Overall had a great experience staying at the hotel.

  • Iftikar Ibrahim

    Iftikar Ibrahim


    I booked this hotel after going through Google map, manager helped me in the entire process.. moreover due to off season she gave me a hefty discount on delux room. The hotel is very close to the Bhutan gate..also centrally located...They also have a very good restaurant.. their staff is also very polite well behaved... specially manager Sonam...if you want to book this hotel.. directly contact her.

  • pema lhamo

    pema lhamo


    Fine hotel and they have to improve a lot in room. hospitality is very worst because they have only one staff ..

  • Vibha Joshi

    Vibha Joshi


    So very impressed with the girl on the desk, don't know her name, she is from Gelepu Bhutan... She was so caring... personally looked into everything we asked.. and ladies from the restaurant are so good and they serve so nicely... if if things are not available their sorry takes over everything.

  • Simmi Sarna

    Simmi Sarna


    Extremely ill equipped hotel... very bad room service.. staff is not cooperative.. breakfast is not provided for and they care least abt special requests.!! They know its treated as a transit hotel by Indians hence no special care for service or experience. Strongly recommend against going fr this hotel

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