Paro International Airport i Paro

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BhutanParo International Airport


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Airport Road, Paro, 12001, Paro, Bhutan
kontakter telefon: +975 8 271 403
internet side:
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Latitude: 27.4051915, Longitude: 89.4210298

kommentar 5

  • Apurbalal Senapati

    Apurbalal Senapati


    Paro is the only international airport of the four airports in the Kingdom of Bhutan. It is located 6 km from Paro in a deep valley on the bank of the river Paro Chhu. It looks like a picturesque....It is the sole international airport of the four airports in the Kingdom of Bhutan. It is 6 km (3.7 mi; 3.2 nmi) from Paro in a deep valley on the bank of the river Paro Chhu. With surrounding peaks as high as 5,500 m (18,000 ft), it is considered one of the world's most challenging airports, and only a select number of pilots are certified to land at the airport.

  • travis bluemling

    travis bluemling


    Easily the most beautiful entry to a country I've ever experienced. The flight in was stunning and the airport it's self was real nice. It was still a bit under construction, but still beautiful. And the entire staff were very kind as well.

  • Karnadeb Goswami

    Karnadeb Goswami


    A pollution free airport with an unforgettable scenic beauty. A must place for visit who likes to enjoy the beauty of Dragon's land.




    Cute Airport. Very beautiful and also very efficient. Immigration and Baggage arrival was a breeze. The approach landing was stunning. Amazing experience.

  • Deepak Kumar

    Deepak Kumar


    This airport is very small airport as per international standard. But still is very big airport as per space available to Bhutan. It is the only available international airport of Bhutan which connects to different parts of the world especially India thrice to fourth time in a week.

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