Phuntsho Guest House i Jakar

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BhutanPhuntsho Guest House



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GQX2+V53, Jakar, Bhutan
kontakter telefon: +975 03631432
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Latitude: 27.5496274, Longitude: 90.7504288

kommentar 5

  • Pema Gyamtsho

    Pema Gyamtsho


    It is one of the best resort and guest house in Bumthang. Located just a few meters away from Chamkhar street, it is convenient to walk to the town. I haven’t checked their rooms yet but coffee and snacks in their cafeteria was a wonderful experience.

  • Shyamal Sinha

    Shyamal Sinha


    The best stay in bumthang. Very nice food and bukhara in the rooms keep u nice n warm. Absolutely love the hospitality of the people here

  • sheatal singh

    sheatal singh


    Bumthang includes Jakar Dzong, the administrative center of the valley; Jambey Lhakhang, one of the oldest monasteries in Bhutan, dating from the introduction of Buddhism in Bhutan and Kurje Lhakhang, one of the most sacred places, where Guru Rinpoche left his body imprint on the cave when he was meditating. Staffs are very courteous and place is excellent for a peaceful vacation... More and sea food are awesome We had an absolutely amazing time Ambience: Good Service: Good. Food quality: Good Parking: Available . Cost: Moderate Single / Group: Best for group but you can go alone Kid menu: No Outdoor seating: Yes Upsacle Cafe: No Live Music: No

  • Nilanjan Banerjee

    Nilanjan Banerjee


    Excellent property with cozy wooden rooms with a wood fired radiator on each room. Great service and great food. Loved it!

  • Dijay Sahi

    Dijay Sahi


    Beautiful wooden 8 cottages very well maintained. Delicious dishes served at the restaurant. Polite staff takes good care of the Guests !

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