Terma Linca Resort & Spa i Thimphu

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BhutanTerma Linca Resort & Spa


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Phuntsholing - Thimphu Highway, Thimphu, BT Bhutan
kontakter telefon: +975 2 351 490
internet side: www.termalinca.com
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Latitude: 27.4248882, Longitude: 89.638845

kommentar 5

  • Crazy Wanderer

    Crazy Wanderer


    Just like a fairy tale place as if straight from a book, Terma Linca is situated at the bank of Himalayan River Wangchhu. Along with this, the mountains, greeneries and pollution free environment around have made the perfect set for the resort. The moment I stepped in I was literally gaping at the awesome nature’s beauty around and Terma Linca just the cute little queen in the middle. From smiling reception with traditional way welcoming to spacious and lovely rooms, this place is a must for people who want peace and a serene surrounding. The in-room service was perfect, the staffs were amazing, and the gym centre and the spa room were divine. Be it prompt service on call or customisation of food, Terma Linca rocks!

  • Rama Gautam

    Rama Gautam


    One of the most beautiful places I have stayed in. Rooms are unbelievable comfortable, the view of the river and mountains from the room is awesome! The food is lip smacking, the ambience is serene, calm and wonderful. All the people here are so warm helpful, polite and always smiling and greeting everyone. I would love to come back here.

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    Wonderful Resort and the staffs are excellent. Very good food. I would like to visit again when opportunity comes

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    anushruti Gupta


    Words can't express how great this place is. The staff is so friendly and kind. An experience on its own. The restaurant is great too. Rooms with an amazing view of mountain tops and flowing river. A heavenly abode one might say.

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    ketan jain


    One of the best resorts to chill out. The location is awesome, just beside the river. It is tricky to get into the river but there are a couple of spots from where you can reach the river. The massage is worth the price. The food was good and the service is best in class. The staff is always smiling and their smile is contagious! The rooms are big and all of them face the river. Tip: ask for room on first floor for a better river view.

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