The HOPE Cafe i Thimphu

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BhutanThe HOPE Cafe



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213 Chang Lam SE, Norzin, Thim Throm, Thimphu 11001, Bhutan
kontakter telefon: +975 77 64 85 95
internet side:
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Latitude: 27.4728107, Longitude: 89.6396883

kommentar 5

  • Yaduvendra Mathur

    Yaduvendra Mathur



  • tshering dema

    tshering dema


    Cozy little place with delicious food. The cafe is located in Chang lam plaza and comes with very cozy sitting area. We loved everything we ordered. The food is made to order so takes time but its worth the wait. The ramen i ordered was very tasty and plated beautifully. The fish and crisp set is very tasty too and the cheese ball is one of the yummiest, we have had in a while. My daughter loved how stretchy the cheese was in the cheese ball and kept insisting that we come back. They also serve refreshing virgin mojito.

  • Dema's Note Book

    Dema's Note Book


    Iced Chocolate was so good. It was wonderful. Must visit cafe in town.

  • rinzin penjor

    rinzin penjor


    A well arranged and creatively decorated Cafe. The pictures, paintings and flowers on the walls create a welcoming sense. I even liked how one has to view menu by scanning the QR code.

  • Chimi Dema

    Chimi Dema


    Warm ambiance. A selection of menu.not just a cafe. Love th place and the lemon tea was perfect . ☕

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