Ashoka Hotel i Phuentsholing

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BhutanAshoka Hotel



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V96V+4G7, Phuentsholing, Bhutan
kontakter telefon: +975 77 80 36 80
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.860293, Longitude: 89.393793

kommentar 4

  • Diamond Srivastava

    Diamond Srivastava


  • Tashi Dendup

    Tashi Dendup


    It's under renovation at the moment but when it was open for business, they served the taste of authentic Indian cuisine here.

  • Preeti Tripathi

    Preeti Tripathi


    One of the best eating place for a vegetarian in Phuntsholing. The place has numerous things one can try. We were overwhelmed tasting the aloo Parantha and the lassi. The rasgulla was also something I would suggest one to try. The place is visited by Bhutanese people too and they equally relish the taste.

  • Samir



    When you're in a foreign land with marked difference between culture, food habits, preferences and you've explored almost everything; then after a couple of days you start growing nostalgic craving for things similar to your native, especially food. We bumped into this small but well kept restaurant randomly. And, to our pleasant surprise, it was the best eating out experience at Phuentsholing. Imagine munching Punjabi dishes in Bhutan accompanied by the best tea on both the sides of border (within 70 Km for sure). The guy handling orders is great with his energy, behavior & most importantly processing time. Clean & hygienic place. People from all walks of life could be seen. Menu had both local and Indian stuff. Location is like a stone's throw away from the center of the town. Simple & adorable people with nice food at the best price. If you're in Phuentsholing and you are done with your flashy display and need something original to relax... get in.

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