Babee Restaurent i Punakha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BhutanBabee Restaurent



🕗 åbningstider

HVRH+RVQ, Punakha, Bhutan
kontakter telefon: +975 77 77 96 61
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Latitude: 27.5920869, Longitude: 89.8797459

kommentar 3

  • JY



    5🌟 is for the food Our guide brought us lunch from this restaurant. It was so good we went back for dinner Must try: - soups, both the ones we had for lunch and dinner were good - mushroom, I'm a vegetarian but I've never eaten fresh mushroom cooked this way. Definitely worth ordering if the ingredient is available - vegetable fritters, after 7 days in Bhutan, this is the first restaurant which served a deep fried vegetarian dish. Really appreciate having the different texture - salted fish, my husband said it went well with the beer and he could not stop eating them - chilli cheese spinach (lunch), chilli cheese potato (dinner), both level of spice is acceptable for my family This is more a home restaurant and not fancy at all But my family enjoyed the food here the most, even my 12-year-old, out of all the restaurant we tried Lady boss is friendly and would gladly meet your needs Food might be a tad salty for some so you can let her know if you prefer less salt Otherwise just experience the food as the local would if that's your aim

  • Sneha Sangai

    Sneha Sangai


    Arrogant owner. Not open to feedbacks. Worst service and pathetic food. The owner is allergic to Indians. Pls refrain from going to this place even when advised to.

  • narayani Mongar

    narayani Mongar


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