Children's Park - Paro Town i Paro

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BhutanChildren's Park - Paro Town



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Paro, Bhutan
kontakter telefon: +975 77 11 33 44
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Latitude: 27.4294919, Longitude: 89.414234

kommentar 5

  • Hotel Pathivara

    Hotel Pathivara


    Beautiful area in the heart of the Paro town, really comes alive in the evenings. Children playing in the beautiful park, young and old spending time at the open air gym, rice soup and momo vendors setting up in the area. All fun and food activities come together making this area a must visit for a while atleast. Genuinely helps imbibe how the locals spend their evenings under the beautiful park.

  • Nayan Kar

    Nayan Kar


    Just like heaven

  • Narendra Singh

    Narendra Singh


    Good peaceful place, in main market paro a place for time spending with a joyful atmosphere , jim equipments are available

  • Shubham Singhal

    Shubham Singhal


    Beautiful area in the heart of the Paro town, really comes alive in the evenings. Children playing in the beautiful park, young and old spending time at the open air gym, rice soup and momo vendors setting up in the area. All fun and food activities come together making this area a must visit for a while atleast. Genuinely helps imbibe how the locals spend their evenings under the beautiful Paro Valley weather.

  • Manu M.

    Manu M.


    Nice park in the middle of Paro. My son enjoyed. Dogs were a problem (although they weren't aggressive). They pee on children's equipments.

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