Mojo Park i Thimphu

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BhutanMojo Park



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Chang Lam SE, Thimphu, BT Bhutan
kontakter telefon: +975 17 63 58 07
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Latitude: 27.4710686, Longitude: 89.6399272

kommentar 5

  • Kshitiz Singh

    Kshitiz Singh


    So this place is for those who want to enjoy live music along with drinks. There are no food options. Its purely a bar with a love band performing excellent music. One of the coolest places to visit in Thimpu.

  • Amit



    It's a must visit place if you are looking at exploring the night life of Thimphu. There are various live bands which perform here on daily basis. The atmosphere was electrifying and we loved our time spent here!!

  • Kaushik Ahmed Reza

    Kaushik Ahmed Reza


    One of the most happening place in Thimphu after dark. They have live music, affordable drinks and great crowd. They are open till midnight. Normally Wednesdays and weekends are busy. Tuesdays are dry day. A must visit if you are in Thimphu.

  • Praveen Patel

    Praveen Patel


    Great place to spend your nightlife in the capital city thimphu. However, the place is lively only on weekends and Wednesday. We couldn't witness Monday Bluejam which was scheduled. The place is available with all choice of booze along with local ones. Few options of snacks are also there but depends on availability. Open till 11AM. Located on the main area, on the street beside of clock tower.

  • Lynton D'Souza

    Lynton D'Souza


    A good night club with music. Firstly you are charged 250 per person for entry they claim it goes to the musicians. Once inside you just need to grab a seat order and pay instantly , you are served drinks and snacks, don't expect dinner or sort. Just a place to chill out like. The place is bit priced but well for the ambiance and the service it's worth it do recommend if in Thimphu.

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