The Book Cafe i Paro

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BhutanThe Book Cafe



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CCH6+WW4, Paro, Bhutan
kontakter telefon: +975 77 23 52 88
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Latitude: 27.4297604, Longitude: 89.4123155

kommentar 5

  • Developer GCIT

    Developer GCIT


    We have a morning breakfast here. The Bookcafe noodle is nice. It is plain and not oily. The cuppacino is nice. Atmosphere is decent. Great to spend a lazy morning here to read and chat with friends.

  • Arushi Verma

    Arushi Verma


    Very cute and cozy cafe with fresh and scrumptious food, really good coffee, warm and amicable staff and of course a great and wide-ranging collection of books that is sure to keep you engaged! The atmosphere is quiet and peaceful and the staff will make extra efforts to satisfy customers

  • Swatish S

    Swatish S


    Best hospitality so far, very warm and friendly staff! Ended up sitting there for almost an hour reading books. Calm and peaceful.

  • Md. Ahsan Nahiyan

    Md. Ahsan Nahiyan


    Amazing. Nice. Cozy. Books to read (not to buy). Good environment, ambiance and coffee.

  • Chablop “PaSsu”

    Chablop “PaSsu”


    It was dream to see a Book Cafe in Bhutan and here you go. So impressed by the first book cafe in Paro. So well set up, the ambience is great and view of mountains from the cafe is Awe inspiring. The book shelf is waiting for more books and perhaps the cafe needs few more shelves... growth can always happen... just love that fact that it has begun already.

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