Thimphu City Bus Parking i Thimphu

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BhutanThimphu City Bus Parking


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Sheten Lam, Thimphu, BT Bhutan
kontakter telefon: +975
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 27.4718767, Longitude: 89.639259

kommentar 5

  • Tashi Dendup

    Tashi Dendup


    Thimphu city is gifted with a decent number of beautiful city buses for public transportation at nominal rates.

  • en

    Thomas Axworthy


    buses very nice :DDDD very good yes yes yes

  • en

    Singye Wangchuk


    most happening place in Thimphu city

  • srinivas narasimhamurthy

    srinivas narasimhamurthy


    Local city buses(infrequent) and local shared taxis leave from this bit congested area, which is quite close to the Clock tower square. If you opt for bus, buy tickets from the small counter there, before you board the bus. Shared taxis(frequent) cost slightly more, and is a better option to get anywhere locally; shared taxis leave after 3 or 4 people join, which is usually, less than 10 minutes

  • Shubhankar Saha

    Shubhankar Saha


    This is a good bus stand in Bhutan. There are many type of bus , taxi are standing here

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