Wangchuk Hotel, Thimphu i Thimphu

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BhutanWangchuk Hotel, Thimphu



🕗 åbningstider

Changlam #19, Thimphu, Bután
kontakter telefon: +975 2 323 532
internet side:
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Latitude: 27.470902, Longitude: 89.639997

kommentar 5

  • Bankim Parikh

    Bankim Parikh


    Good food. Simple rooms. Good service. No lift. Real problem to have rooms on 3rd /4 th floor.

  • en

    Reena Inchody


    Decent place, clean comfortable rooms, staff are very helpful. Only issue is that there is no lift, you may have to climb up to 4th floor. But then a visit to Bhutan is meant to be active

  • en

    Heta Shah


    This hotel is based in proper city. So one can just go and can access to nearer market as he got out of the hotel. View from the room is really good. You can see different layers like first road then football stadium, behind that some traditional looking houses, standing Buddha, mountains with ample of trees and at last never ending sky! Hotel doesn't have lift and some will find room somewhat small.

  • en

    Asha Hegde


    The hotel is like any average hotel in a touristy place. What made me give a good rating was the exceptional hospitality and service of the hotel staff. Despite being harried by other tourists, they were very courteous and catered to every request off the guests

  • dhruti shah

    dhruti shah


    Very nice location .This hotel stand in front of a beautiful football ground very cozy place all in all. They have facility of heater as well as heating blanket . Food is also nice. Only bad part is this hotel doesn't have lift . Elderly people or disabled can't climb .

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