Cafe Perk i Jakar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BhutanCafe Perk


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GQX3+WQP, Jakar, Bhutan
kontakter telefon: +975 17 73 92 17
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Latitude: 27.5498301, Longitude: 90.754459

kommentar 5

  • Ewen Bell

    Ewen Bell


    Definitely the best place in Bumthang for coffee. Cute space. Lovely owners. Coffee is the real deal.

  • Pema Wangchug

    Pema Wangchug


    Really great coffee. Good, hearty food with generous portions at a reasonable price. Their team were very nice and I strongly recommend a visit here!

  • Loven RAMOS

    Loven RAMOS


    Cafe Perk. A perfect name for a perfect place. I took the flight of stairs from where this lovely little nook is perched right on the heart of Bumthang’s Old Town Main Street. The door was locked and the place was dead silent like downtown Thimphu on the heydays of our lockdown. It was 11am on a Friday morning. Perhaps the cafe in itself is in need of perking up? We’ll never know.

  • Tregxel Dorji the Mountain Dentist

    Tregxel Dorji the Mountain Dentist


    My friends love the pizza here.. says it better than the seasons pizza of Thimphu. I ordered expresso and veg. Spring roll. Loved it . If you are used to cafes then this is the best in Bumthang.

  • Zachary Collier

    Zachary Collier


    Great coffee and pastries in downtown Jakar

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