NHDRC cafeteria i Jakar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BhutanNHDRC cafeteria


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Unnamed Road, HQ72+MFQ, Jakar, Bhutan
kontakter telefon: +975
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Latitude: 27.564204, Longitude: 90.7512479

kommentar 1

  • Rigzin Namdol

    Rigzin Namdol


    The canteen situated within campus. Its a quite place away from nosiy city. It is the favourite hangout place. (Atmosphere/decor) As you enter the place you are welcomed by a magnificen wood works. Sitting in any table you will hear chirping of various birds. Have a wonderful view of the workshop-like kitchen where you can see the chefs working. (The menu/dishes) The menu offers a wide variety of mouth-watering dishes ranging from Bhutanese to continental. I usually have the asparagus accompanied by poached eggs with rice. (The ingredients/the wine/the prices) All the products are fresh and the dishes had the warmth of home-made food. The chefs take great care in selecting the best quality ingredients. The restaurant also caters for all tastes by providing a large selection of the best wines of the region, which are pricy but worth sampling. (The service/the waiters/the owner) The owner and the staffs are so friendly (Recommendation) With low price of the food and a pleasant dining experience with food of the most exquisite flavours I highly recommend going to the Cafeteria

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