Druk Dhoetjung Resort i Trashigang

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BhutanDruk Dhoetjung Resort


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Trashigang - Samdrumjongkhar Highway, Trashigang, BT Bhutan
kontakter telefon: +975
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Latitude: 27.3261704, Longitude: 91.5437142

kommentar 5

  • en

    Nilanjan Banerjee


    The new property has huge, huge rooms. And humongous bath rooms. Nice resort on top of a hill, very nice view. This place has an older property a little higher up, which is now permanently closed. Food at the restaurant is okay. Rooms are on 3 floors but that is no lift.

  • MN Lamichaney

    MN Lamichaney


    Very Good

  • Shubhangi Shinde

    Shubhangi Shinde


    The interiors are beautiful!

  • Bhutan TUSK Motorcycle Tours Bhutan

    Bhutan TUSK Motorcycle Tours Bhutan


    One of the best hotel I have stayed. Great hospitality and everything!!

  • Alan Lawson

    Alan Lawson


    It's a big modern hotel up on the side of a mountain. The road up - in April 2014 - was 4WD and rough but there is a lot of construction going on so no doubt it will improve. It is a 5-10 minute drive down into Trashigang so consequently the evening activities are limited. It is probably one of the better hotels you will stay in in Bhutan.

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