Lengkhar Resort i Trashigang

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BhutanLengkhar Resort


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Trashigang - Samdrumjongkhar Highway, 42001, Trashigang, BT Bhutan
kontakter telefon: +975 77 11 67 67
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Latitude: 27.2894489, Longitude: 91.5434115

kommentar 5

  • Florence Hong

    Florence Hong


    Wonderful view, nice and clean room with everything equipped. Hot water, shower, heater, fan, small fridge, and slippers.

  • Nirmal P.V

    Nirmal P.V


    Best hotel in Eastern Bhutan. Period. Neat rooms large bathrooms, good linen, beautiful view.

  • Supriya Wadhwa

    Supriya Wadhwa


    The resort is beautiful, cozy, romantic, peaceful and very well maintained. We were upgraded to a cottage which was like 2 rooms with a living rooms in between. Each room has a balcony overlooking the awesome valley view. We got a chance to see an archery game in the field. The garden has orange trees and beautiful flowers and orchids. The restaurant is good for standard local and North Indian dishes. We had an amazing stay here!

  • Guglielmo Spada

    Guglielmo Spada


    Good position, sweet view, well made houses and properly furnished rooms, good food. Absolutley no possible complains.

  • Dr. Vikramjit Kakati

    Dr. Vikramjit Kakati


    A fantastic resort in East Bhutan . Family friendly hotel with excellent services.

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