Druk Kitchen i Thimphu

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BhutanDruk Kitchen



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12, Wogzin Lam, Thimphu, BT Bhutan
kontakter telefon: +975 17 69 86 61
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Latitude: 27.4697628, Longitude: 89.6399999

kommentar 5

  • Aravind J

    Aravind J


    Small restaurant near the Druk Hotel. Food was decent, portions were medium but worth the price.

  • Paul Kurian

    Paul Kurian


    An awesome hotel. The staff are friendly and understanding. The food is great. The rate is cheap compared to other restaurants. The hotel is very close to clock tower.

  • Omar shabib

    Omar shabib


    First of all I would like to thank Mark Wiens, saw his all episodes of the Bhutan Travel. He was here while on his stay at Thimphu. Target here was to try the Ting momos, but I was worried about the price as I couldn't get a menu picture anyone on the Internet. Anyway, just proceeded to the place with a little hesitation and guess what, got everything at a very reasonable price. The food was really filling, fried rice was okay but enough for 2 person and more than enough for 1 person, momos were good along with the Dhal that we took. Please try whenever you visit Thimphu.

  • Deepak Kumar (Elitedkumar)

    Deepak Kumar (Elitedkumar)


    This place in Thimphu's main road is good dinning and fast food options place. Tried vegetarian Momo and butter tea or Suja which fine and something different to try from Bhutan being an Indian. This place is bit costly like little moderate one. Do try to have vegetarian varieties Momo's or rolls even green tea is good options. This restaurant is vegetarian and non-vegetarian both. Suja was a fun to try. The red chutney was fun just like chilli which made me cry from eye🤯😅

  • Chablop “PaSsu”

    Chablop “PaSsu”


    Spacious place with great view of the clock tower square... Wide variety of dishes to choose from and going by the name I didn't want to go for anything other than Tibetan Thukpa... They know it the best... Taste of Tibet. But the place feels like Tibet ...it's cold and not a heating devic any where. With a heater it's going to be a great place.

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