Entry point from Phuentsholing (Bhutan) i Phuntsholing

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BhutanEntry point from Phuentsholing (Bhutan)


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Phuntsholing, Bután
kontakter telefon: +975
internet side: www.consulatephuentsholing.nic.in
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Latitude: 26.860293, Longitude: 89.393793

kommentar 5

  • nitin singh

    nitin singh


    View from this point is very nice. Your permit to Bhutan is checked here.

  • Basil Rahman

    Basil Rahman


    Nice entry zone.clear image of transition define with Bhutanese_tradition.shopping area fr tourists to buy accessories.

  • Sachidananda Mukherjee

    Sachidananda Mukherjee


    Nice place

  • Harsh Naidu

    Harsh Naidu


    Caution for tourists - Timing on usual days - 10 AM - 2:30 PM The permit application form is available free of cost for Indian Nationals from the Permit office. Dont try to get it from agents on the either side of border as they charge you. Another point to remember is you can easily get a Cab for Paro/Thimphu from Phuentsholing on your own without any help from agents. Try to negotiate with the drivers. Per Person cost to Paro charged to us : 300 Rs

  • prasun kumar basu

    prasun kumar basu


    Neat and clean place with cooperative staffs. Nice place.

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