Hotel Druk འབྲུག་ཟ་ཁང་། i Phuentsholing

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BhutanHotel Druk འབྲུག་ཟ་ཁང་།


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V96J+7XJ, Phuentsholing, Bhutan
kontakter telefon: +975 5 252 426
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.8607179, Longitude: 89.3823965

kommentar 5

  • pema lhamo

    pema lhamo


    Vacation | Beautiful hotel. I stayed for 3 nights. The hotel food was great with great service.thank you all for your wonderful hospitality.

  • Dr Jawahar Surisetti

    Dr Jawahar Surisetti


    It's a decent hotel with good rooms and decent food too . Bang outside the Immigration office on crossing towards Bhutan , it is in a busy place but is quietly tucked away

  • Kavya Nagendra

    Kavya Nagendra


    This was a very comfortable stay when i visited bhutan It is right outside the border of bhutan Which makes it a very pleasant stay

  • Cibi Suresh

    Cibi Suresh


    Had issues with cleanliness and Wi-Fi. There was a stale smell from the AC.

  • Sajan Rai

    Sajan Rai


    It is located in Phuentsholing just above the border gate. The hotel premises is beautiful, people can easily walks across border before pandemic, but now we have a strict health protocols. Hotel Druk has a nice service for the tourist. They have nice rooms and professional staffs.

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