Hotel Khamzang i Phuentsholing

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BhutanHotel Khamzang



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Phuentsholing - Thimphu Highway, Phuentsholing, BT Bhutan
kontakter telefon: +975 17 63 55 03
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.864026, Longitude: 89.3805716

kommentar 5

  • Tandin Wangchuk

    Tandin Wangchuk


    Lovely view, service and cleanliness

  • TenZion zhoenu Singye

    TenZion zhoenu Singye


    I would say the most clean and the best hotel in Phuentsholing!. It even has a variety of dishes at a reasonable price. Even the workers there are so polite and wonderful. I would definitely comeback to this hotel in my next business trip to Phueentsholing.

  • Suravi Travelyogi

    Suravi Travelyogi


    Good place to stay. It's road side hotel.. well behaved staff.. food is also good.. they serve food in room... bar and restaurant facilities are available here

  • Adda Cinema

    Adda Cinema


    Nice hotel, courteous staff. They served good food. Rooms are neat and clean. We liked our two day stay here.

  • Ddorzi Ddorzi

    Ddorzi Ddorzi


    A very good hotel with clean n very friendly n helpful staffs. I really loved the foods n the rooms. The price are very reasonable. Ideal for family n friends. The only set back is the parking space, is not much but the staffs will help u to park ur cars. Strongly recommend to all tourist visiting Bhutan.

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