Hotel Namgay i Phuentsholing

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BhutanHotel Namgay


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V96M+V35, Phuentsholing, Bhutan
kontakter telefon: +91 97168 90923
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Latitude: 26.8621334, Longitude: 89.3827497

kommentar 5

  • Bidur Ghimirey1999

    Bidur Ghimirey1999


    A second home for a traveler. Best room with all needy amenities. Neat and Clean room . If anyone willing to visit do go for it la it's cheap and we'll organized

  • Cheenu Munna

    Cheenu Munna


    If you are looking for an authentic Indian Food on Bhutan this place rocks (Though this place is right at the entrance of Bhutan). Stayed one night over there, rooms were not big but enough for 2 ppl. Pretty close to market and India-Bhutan entry gate. Das(Our host) was the most genuine person one could ever ask for.

  • Pamela Mukherjee (Every Corner of World)

    Pamela Mukherjee (Every Corner of World)


    A nice place to stay. Cozy with proper food service. The hotel is neat and clean with basic necessitates are there. Price is reasonable. Recommended.

  • Joy Deep Mitra

    Joy Deep Mitra


    It is very nice and beautiful hotel. A little far away from clock tower. A little bit away from main market. But food is tasty & very hygiene. Rooms r really big with room heater. 24 hr. Hot water. Very clean toilets. Front line reception & employees r very friendly & well behaved.

  • Rezowanur Rahman

    Rezowanur Rahman


    A park along with a temple in front of the hotel added privilege to it. The room has wooden floor which keeps the floor warm in such cold weather. And the food was way too much tasty. But the blanket kinda' smelled which was pretty annoying. Other than that, very good and convenient hotel to stay in.

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