Hotel Phuntsho Pelri i Thimphu

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BhutanHotel Phuntsho Pelri



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Dondrup Lam Southeast, Thimphu, BT Bhutan
kontakter telefon: +975 2 334 970
internet side:
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Latitude: 27.473573, Longitude: 89.6366792

kommentar 5

  • Md. Al-amin

    Md. Al-amin


    For a 2 star hotel it's good. Room is clean near city and market and business. Food is good.

  • chado lingpa

    chado lingpa


    Phuntsho Pedri a hotel located in the heart of Thimphu city Gives pretty much cool view from external and also damn cozy from the entrance. All rooms are beautifully arranged and 101% hygienic. Foods are good as well. I kept my guest here and their feedback was good.

  • shobha prabhakar

    shobha prabhakar


    Hotel and the room was clean, had hot water, and looked good. Wifi was terrible in the rooms but worked in the lobby. Indian food was good in their restaurant, and reasonably priced. However, hotel staff wouldn't be able to help you much with tourism in the city, as they didn't have any pamphlets of local attraction. Our stay was convenient, and the staff helped us to navigate the nearby local market. So polite and helpful staff

  • Pratyay



    Rooms are pretty standard and well maintained. The hotel staff is courteous and professional, they're willing to help you with any queries Food at the buffet restaurant is a bit bland (for Indian taste) but absolutely edible, so you shouldn't have any problem. The location of the hotel is amazing! It is very near to the market area so you can walk to the market easily and conveniently during the evening. I would recommend this hotel!

  • Shilpi Bishnoi

    Shilpi Bishnoi


    This hotel is very near to the market area. The location and rooms are good for business trip. The rooms are nice and basic. The bed is a bit smaller than usual. The room has basic amenities like AC, TV, electric kettle and tea/coffee kit etc. Washroom is small, but has bath-tub. Housekeeping and cleanliness is very good. The restaurant/dining room is again very basic. Food was ok but hardly any choice. I am talking about vegetarian food here. Staff is polite and helpful. Good choice for work trip, but can't say the same for leisure/vacation.

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