Mojo Park i Timbu

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BhutanMojo Park



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Timbu, Bután
kontakter telefon: +975 17 11 09 75
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Latitude: 27.4712035, Longitude: 89.6399396

kommentar 5

  • Fiona Lowry

    Fiona Lowry


    It's touristsy and expensive but otherwise great drinks, live music, and an awesome stop in the capital.

  • Bhutanese Wanderer

    Bhutanese Wanderer


    The best music you will ever get in town, a restro bar in thimphu that offers good beers and food with famous local bands playing live gig every weekend and during the week days. Great place to chill with your friends.

  • Abhishek Jain

    Abhishek Jain


    Nice ambience. Great band and live music. Food was good. Service was fine.

  • Passang Tshering

    Passang Tshering


    Mojo is the most happening night hangout in Thimphu with live music performance by popular national bands and often international celebrities. The place is the favourite for tourists visiting Thimphu with great selection of brewery and most importantly great company; because mojo park is the place frequented by decent crowd mainly comprising of popular personalities of the country. It has the record of being the safest place to hangout at night and best place to encounter people who will become lasting friends. They have outdoor seating with fireplace and access to the bar. They have paid attention to every detail of the whole setting, not to mention their great washroom facility. Without visiting Mojo Park, you haven't seen Thimphu at its best.

  • en

    Tanzil Kishore


    Live bands alost all days. Diverse groups of people to mingle with. Smoking zone outside, bonfire on every night in winters. Good booze, good music and food vibes!

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