imPrinT Thimphu i Thimphu

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BhutanimPrinT Thimphu



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Hogdzin Lam, Thimphu, BT Bhutan
kontakter telefon: +975 17 79 53 48
internet side:
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Latitude: 27.4711339, Longitude: 89.6394069

kommentar 5

  • en

    Druk Drukpa


    Website Design, Website Hosting Space, Domain Name Registration at a very low cost and very good service, Google SEO and AdWords included for free for the benefit of the customer. People get IMPRINT's help to get your website rank in google.

  • en

    drukpa bhutan


    Website Design, Google SEO, AdWords, Printing and all creative custom works under a single roof, Go IMPRINT!!

  • Tshering Peldoen

    Tshering Peldoen


    Imprint in Thimphu is a business house that comes to my mind when ever I need to find a unique, personalized gift for my friends or family or colleague. Their service is fast, and the owners actually give personal touch to all of their products. I brought along my personalized mouse pad with Jon Snow's picture on it, to Philippines. The most convenient to us, and unique in the market that you cannot find in other stores in Thimphu is the self adhesive passport size picture printing.

  • en

    Samjana Ghalley


    I really love it and the way the pictures has been portrayed on that small cup its really nice n beautiful la😊 Those couple cups are more great and it really looks like a real one not a printed one la .. thank you so much for the things la..😊

  • Passang Tshering

    Passang Tshering


    One unique and authentic creative space in Thimphu with exciting printing services; on T Shirt, mug, plates etc. They uphold the standard and quality of work and services, I'm one of their satisfied service users.

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