Khang Residency i Thimphu

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BhutanKhang Residency



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Thori Lam, Lower Motithang, P.O.Box 474, Thimphu, Bhutan
kontakter telefon: +975 2 339 111
internet side:
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Latitude: 27.475703, Longitude: 89.628535

kommentar 5

  • Manoj Maurya

    Manoj Maurya


    Room is good staff is not supportive book with breakfast but they charged us 550 with limited menu and food asking more 350 if you want more quantity

  • Rakesh Pandey

    Rakesh Pandey


    Pathetic staff they are so rude hotel room are good . food and service you have to take self service don't take breakfast when you are booking they are bluffing

  • Rofin Bodhikusalo

    Rofin Bodhikusalo


    Hotel is good.. but not suitable for summer cause no air condition, they provided fan per request. Only 1 Elevator for the whole building so need more times for going up n down Breakfast is poor.. need more varients Staff is very helpfull

  • Atish DMello

    Atish DMello


    The place is about a 10 min walk to the city. Or about a 2 min drive to the city. Taxis frequent the road next to the hotel. Our stay at the heritage was just beyond brilliant. They have this olden heater that works with wood. It was just amazing. The owner Pema and the other staff were very helpful and friendly. They helped us with local sights to see and also was very accommodating with the food schedules.

  • drmatt Grill

    drmatt Grill


    Owner/manager happened to tell us in passing (One week into our 12 night stay) that two people from our 7 member group had to move rooms for one night (maybe two) because an earlier booking took precedence. The hotel was not full and we still had another 5 nights at the hotel. We were all very unimpressed. Manager was not very helpful and would not listen to our logical alternative plan that her new guests just be given another room for the two nights. Other staff were ok. Rooms average.

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