Karbandi Monastery i Phuentsholing

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BhutanKarbandi Monastery


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Phuentsholing - Thimphu Highway, Phuentsholing, BT Bhutan
kontakter telefon: +975
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Latitude: 26.856259, Longitude: 89.3931919

kommentar 5

  • Soumyadeep Ghosh

    Soumyadeep Ghosh


    Best places of my life beautiful place must must musy visit the time i visited the weather was picture perfect it was cloudy and it was quite windy and it felt amazing best place to visit from India .

  • titir banerjee

    titir banerjee


    Beautiful and calm place with a breathtaking view...In every way you will feel closer to the almighty..

  • Soumen Mukherjee

    Soumen Mukherjee


    Awesome view of torsa river from above the hill...the whole city is seen from here.

  • Bodhisattya Kar

    Bodhisattya Kar


    Very nice! Calm & clean place. And also a great view of jaigaon town from here. No entry fee. No parking charges. A small restaurant there outside. Should visit.

  • vipul borikar

    vipul borikar


    Must visit if you are in phuentsholing. Great view from this place. And you dont require any permit since its in the Jurisdiction of phuentsholing town.

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