Zangtopelri i Phuentsholing

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Phuentsholing, Bhutan
kontakter telefon: +975
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Latitude: 26.8618796, Longitude: 89.382695

kommentar 5

  • Samarjyoti Baruah

    Samarjyoti Baruah


    Very beautiful monastery situated at the heart of Phuentsholing city. It has a nice park infront, where people can relax, enjoy the evening with friends and family, a perfect place to relax and have some leisure time. Definitely a place to visit if you go to Bhutan. The doves flying over adds a wonderful sight in the evening.

  • en

    Jo Angel


    Awesome place....very clean and well maintained. Spend hours relaxing and waiting for my cab......time fly's by without even realising it. A place worth visiting.

  • Sonam Loday

    Sonam Loday


    This is wonderful religious and recreational park in the heart of Phuentsholing town where Buddhist go and make their wishes as well as it is recreational area for people after the work...It's best recreational zone in the area.

  • Druk Rafting Service

    Druk Rafting Service


    Great sight seeing at Phuntsholing located in the heart of the city. If you are here or coming to Punakha let us know on the contact numbers for River Rafting or Rafting and Camping Adventure activities...Have fun and take back the memories.

  • Sagar Srujan

    Sagar Srujan


    Situated right in the middle of the city this is very close to the Bhutan main gate.Very beautiful structure with lots of idols and figures.One of the top attractions of this city. The place here is very calm and serene.There are also chairs and seats available for people to sit and relax.Really enjoyed it.

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