Park Hotel Bhutan i Phuentsholing

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BhutanPark Hotel Bhutan



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Tharpai Lam, Phuentsholing, Bhutan
kontakter telefon: +975 17 79 50 42
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Latitude: 26.8618557, Longitude: 89.3832224

kommentar 5

  • Susmita Saha

    Susmita Saha


    Very good location near immigration office... Nice ambience...Good food.. Nice people also..

  • Arun Acharya

    Arun Acharya


    Basic with write good service. However needs better plumbing. No water in the bathrooms while we were there.

  • swamy sadananda

    swamy sadananda


    Good and neat rooms. Helpful staff. Breakfast is limited to few items. Food was bland for our taste.

  • Samarjyoti Baruah

    Samarjyoti Baruah


    Beautiful hotel in Phuentsholing. Good rooms, great service. The interior area of the hotel is quite remarkable, well decorated, full of plants, well maintained. The staff at the reception and the restaurant were very helpful and friendly. The manager helped us to organise the entire Bhutan trip and arranged us the car for the entire trip at quite a reasonable price. It was a great experience staying there and we enjoyed quite a lot. Recommended hotel at a reasonable price.

  • Anup Mali

    Anup Mali


    - The staff at Park Hotel is very friendly and helpful in nature. - The manager is a gem of a person and helped us with our entire travel plan. We asked him a lot of questions before making a travel plan and he promptly answered all. - Food is great. My countrymen need not worry about getting Indian food here. They cook the perfect north Indian dished here. - Rooms are neat and clean. - Overall: Value for money Hotel

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