The Clove Bistro i Thimphu

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BhutanThe Clove Bistro


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Chang Lam SE, Thimphu, BT Bhutan
kontakter telefon: +975 77 73 76 23
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Latitude: 27.4729981, Longitude: 89.6395926

kommentar 5

  • Manas Trivedi

    Manas Trivedi


    Nice cozy feel to the place. Kept the heaters on when no customer was there. Staff is courteous and prompt. You also get access to clean washroom (padlock controlled).

  • Modd Poon

    Modd Poon


    Very delicious food especially homemade noodle, fried potato with sambal chilli sauce, beef teriyaki

  • Vishal Gurung

    Vishal Gurung


    Hi, I was at The Clove Bristol at 8.40 pm today for dinner with my wife and 3yr old daughter , after struggling to find parking , and walking a distance finally got there thinking our last night at Thimpu would be a memorable one , however as soon as we entered , we were blatantly told the kitchen is closed . At least offer the guest with beverage or put in the effort to suggest paces that might cater to the guest need if the guest has already stepped in looking at your OPEN sign board.

  • Kaanchi Faria

    Kaanchi Faria


    Best food in Thimphu so far. Quick and great service. Yummy alcohol and great taste of music to sum up the perfect evening. Love this place and would love to go here often!

  • Bryaan



    This is one fine place to dine in. The staffs approach was positive and the chef coming to to your table to seek feedback. Thank you to chef Nima La and the Clove Bistro.

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