Bhutan Takin Preserve i Motithang

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BhutanBhutan Takin Preserve



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Motithang, Bhutan
kontakter telefon: +975
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Latitude: 27.4817741, Longitude: 89.6114265

kommentar 5

  • Vishal Juneja

    Vishal Juneja


    A nice ‘in middle of nature’ preserve. Climb or hike a bit to get a good view of Takins and see them in their natural habitat.. do visit if you’re in the district!

  • Karthik Krishna Ramakrishnan

    Karthik Krishna Ramakrishnan


    Dedicated to the national animal of Bhutan - Takin .Lots of Takins in their natural habitat. Can spot sambar deer occasionally. Could have included few more animals native to Bhutan for the entry fee of 100 Nu.

  • Ks K

    Ks K


    Unnecessarily priced - i.e. entry ticket. Best is to avoid. U can't even see a Takin. If really want to, you can see grownup goat !!suggest to not to waste time n money.

  • Deepti Sugadan

    Deepti Sugadan


    Good place to visit for those who don't mind taking a nice long walk. Unlike zoos, the animals are not kept in cages, but are free to roam around. There are many takins but we couldn't get a close look at them since they wouldn't come near us.

  • en

    dipanjan kundu


    In Bhutan Takin is a national animal & this is Takin reserve.Entry fee was RS 100 /per-head. You can find diff spices of Takin in this reserve.well maintained.Takin are found in bamboo forests at altitudes of 1,000 to 4,500 metres (3,300 to 15,000 ft), where they eat grass, buds and leaves. Takin are diurnal, active in the day, resting in the heat on particularly sunny days. Takin gather in small herds in winter and herds of up to a hundred individuals in the summer; in winter, they move to lower elevations and split into smaller herds of 10-50 individuals, mostly in the Gasa District. As is often seen in bison, old males are often solitary.

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