Kuenselphodrang Recreation Park i Thimphu

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BhutanKuenselphodrang Recreation Park



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Thimphu, Bhutan
kontakter telefon: +975
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Latitude: 27.4470889, Longitude: 89.6421443

kommentar 5

  • Phuentsho



    Nice recreation area

  • Bhutan Lover

    Bhutan Lover


  • Kate Bum

    Kate Bum


  • Prasun Pandey

    Prasun Pandey


    Visited this place in November 2016. Situated adjacent to Buddha Doderma, this place provides awesome views of Thimpu city and the overall Thimpu Valley. When I visited it was not very crowded and I found it to be calm and peaceful. It is a short walk/hike away from the nearest road-head. This park can appeal to a diverse set of people - tourists, joggers, hikers, bikers, nature lovers, photographers, religious people, it has something for everyone. Not that far from the main Thimpu city, should not be missed. Speed of the wind at the peak viewpoint could be a source of amazement for some, it was really windy here.

  • Pema Gyamtsho

    Pema Gyamtsho


    A peaceful, serene and eco-friendly recreational park. You can stroll around the park through numerous trails. It also has the biking trails to Changangkha. If you visit in winter, you see snow-capped mountains adorning the valley below. If you come in summer, you see hills and Thimphu city adorned with low hanging clouds with freshness everywhere!

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