Clock Tower Square i Thimphu

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BhutanClock Tower Square



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Hogdzin Lam, Thimphu, BT Bhutan
kontakter telefon: +975 17 60 06 91
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Latitude: 27.4703159, Longitude: 89.6396539

kommentar 5

  • Manjunath Madakasira

    Manjunath Madakasira


    Very nice and classy place. We chilled here late evenings and it was superb. Nothing much to see here from a touristy perspective. Just head out with friends / gf and relax talking and soaking in the atmosphere.

  • Samrat Poddar

    Samrat Poddar


    Nice place to road around. All branded stores around here. Peaceful area and humble people

  • Syed Saif

    Syed Saif


    Clock Tower is something which is called life. You will be amazed when you will go there because there are lots of activities are happening there simultaniously. There are various kind of shops ,there are vendors, there are many kinds of game and also many kinds of cultural activities. There is a clock tower in the middle of the field and around it various kinds of activities happening. Bhutan is a very peaceful country and this kind of Clock Tower activities show us their activities towards their culture their thoughts and their setup. I think this is a place where you like to spend some moments with yourself!

  • Vaibhao Tatte

    Vaibhao Tatte


    Beautifully designed clock tower. But it's not well maintained. Many corners have lot of litter which is against Bhutanese culture. People have made many spots dirty by spitting betel nut leaf (doma). Area has lot of good coffee shops & restaurants. Overall a decent place to hangout in evening

  • Shubham Pareek

    Shubham Pareek


    Nice place in lap of nature A very long clock which shows the time and give effect of dragons. Really fantastic. Situated on mail road of thimpu There are many resteos and shopping complex are located Great view behind green hills

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