Metta Resort and Spa i Paro

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BhutanMetta Resort and Spa


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Langong, Shomu, Paro 12001, Bhutan
kontakter telefon: +975 8 272 855
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Latitude: 27.437899, Longitude: 89.3801015

kommentar 5

  • en

    Faith Ng


    There were a few insects. Just prepare bygone wherever you go

  • Rajyashree Srikant

    Rajyashree Srikant


    Has a beautiful garden all around. Comfortable room. I wasn't too impressed with the food and the spa, though.

  • S H Lee

    S H Lee


    Lovely cottages and pretty gardens. Rooms are spacious and comfortable, WiFi signal in room is good. Food is exceptionally good, although a couple of times the scrambled eggs were not salted at all, but that’s a small issue. Attentive and friendly staff. Location is off the beaten track, far from the main shopping street but that makes it quiet and peaceful.

  • Akhil Saxena

    Akhil Saxena


    Got this property booked through our travel agent, and I feel it was splendid. The resort is in very peaceful and calm location, a bit away from the main road. Though it does not give you a picturesque view but it has its own charm. They have a spa service too. The restaurant cuisine and service is great too. The staff is courteous and professional. Loved the pet dog pack within the complex.

  • rixin novu

    rixin novu


    Great place for a retreat, be it official or personal. I love the food and service, rooms are splendid too. So what are you waiting for? Try it out once; you don't even have to check in to get a feel of its ambience.

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