Kichu Resort Paro i Paro

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BhutanKichu Resort Paro



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Kichu Resort Complex, Lango Paro BT 12001, Bhutan
kontakter telefon: +975 8 271 646
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Latitude: 27.4468604, Longitude: 89.3716622

kommentar 5

  • Vaskar Nag

    Vaskar Nag


    One of the best places have stayed at Bhutan.. Rooms are spotlessly clean, Resort is wonderful, and the food is awesome. Staff is friendly and helpful. Food is great and there are Indian options besides local cuisine. I preferred the local cuisine.. 5 stars from me.

  • J T

    J T


    One of the worst hotel stay. The water heater and tap heater for hot water come in very slowly. The hotel didn’t provide us body wash. Towel are mostly stained with yellowish mark. No hair dryer. The staffs are very unprofessional and not polite. We request for a change of room or checking if there is any others options they are not very happy with our request. Instead They questioning us back that why we can’t use the same or just try to accommodate it. furniture in the room is old. some edges of the floors are broken. The showering flooring was too cold to use for showering without any shoes and black stains can be found on the flooring. We are hardly to get any rest due to the thin walls we can hear the neighbours in their own room talking and playing music even when they open and close the doors it can be heard very clearly. Not recommended at all.

  • Aniruddh Modi

    Aniruddh Modi


    It's a beautiful resort by the side of the river. The rooms are great and some rooms are river side so it's a good experience. The only problem was that the rooms are a little bit overpriced. The prices aren't that budget friendly but otherwise it's a great place. The staff is very friendly and the GM is always there to help. The food is decent too.

  • Rahul Jain

    Rahul Jain


    If you're an Indian travelling to Bhutan and staying here, don't order Indian food. You'll be disappointed by the taste. For everyone else, the resort was really good. During our stay there was snowfall. It looked really beautiful all covered in snow early in the morning. The rooms were well equipped with bed warmers etc so you want have any issues with the stay. The lighting in the room could have been better. It was a little dark I feel.

  • krishnan venkateshwaran

    krishnan venkateshwaran


    Excellent place to be.. the riverside is awesome. The hospitality is beyond compare. Have never been treated better. The rooms are nice and large. Good sized bathroom. Excellent food. The gift shop is reasonably priced. Mr Kendel is exceptionally unforgettable. Makes you want to go back to the place again.

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