Naksel Boutique Hotel & SPA i Paro

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BhutanNaksel Boutique Hotel & SPA



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Paro, Upper Ngoba Village, Paro, Bhutan
kontakter telefon: +975 8 272 992
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Latitude: 27.423004, Longitude: 89.367331

kommentar 5

  • Crazy Wanderer

    Crazy Wanderer


    Calmingly Beautiful! Truly a boutique place in Bhutan. The hotel has rustic and classic designed rooms that give superb views of the surrounding. The food was tasty and really fresh. The mind blowing part was the Spa. I had a rejuvenating time at the Spa. The hot stone therapy, and treatment massages are excellent. One cannot miss a Spa at Naksel. What really got my attention is that every staff and the General Manager are always ready to make your stay super-comfortable. I would like to mention about the chefs who are always ready to serve you as per your requirement. Although time was too short, I felt pampered and alive at Naksel Boutique Hotel and Spa. For my next visit to Bhutan this place would be my top priority. After all, how many times you get to enjoy your life in a peaceful zone.

  • en

    Shubha Chatterjee


    The hotel is good. Located a little outside Paro, and 30 minutes away from the base of Tigers Nest monastery. We stayed in a Deluxe room (303) which is located away from the main building, and reached after a short but steep climb. The room and bathroom were well appointed, and we had a great view of the mountains through the full length windows and also from the little sitout. Food at the buffet breakfast was a bit hit & miss and could be much improved upon.

  • en

    bhagwatiprasad saraf


    Furnished poorly food acerage located far from City toilets don't have shower spout only very high tub with difficult entry

  • Jayant Kolte

    Jayant Kolte


    Very beautiful place. Continental food is good but Indian food is hopeless. Small and unknown restaurants in various parts of Bhutan gives much better quality Indian food than NAKSEL. They must find good Indian cuisine chef.

  • Charlotta Aberg

    Charlotta Aberg


    Great Hotel. Nice view from the big and comfortable rooms. Nice bar and restaurant. Friendly staff.

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