Tiger Nest Resort i Paro

BhutanTiger Nest Resort


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Paro bhutan, satsam chorten, Paro, Bhutan
kontakter telefon: +975 17 12 70 71
internet side: tigersnestresort.com
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Latitude: 27.470563, Longitude: 89.342665

kommentar 5

  • Sanjok Subba

    Sanjok Subba


    Beautiful location and nice resort

  • Kamal Hussain

    Kamal Hussain


    Stunning place and a lengthy trek to the Tiger Nest will be fruitful after visiting the monastery. Absolutely amazing wooow feeling.

  • Tridip



    Enjoying the view from every side and angle. Inside everything is wooden from floor to ceiling very soothing feeling. Every place in Bhutan is very scenic if you are coming from a city. Food wise here they are only serving vegetarian food for some reasons i will rate it very average food wise. Stuffs seemed very friendly. Room service is bit slow understandably as there is only stairs option available. I am still residing here while typing the review as there is time to chill after 8pm nothing significant to do. Overall i rated 4 according to the scenic value.

  • Ashish Kedia

    Ashish Kedia


    While the place is touted to be a 3 star hotel, it isn't really. When we checked in, the soap dispenser was empty, tooth paste tube was a used one and the same goes for tooth brush. The resort was almost empty with hardly 2-3 guests despite it being November which is a time when the are many tourists in Bhutan. We didn't have breakfast/ good included in our package (which was a good thing) as in any case we didn't want to have in this lonely place. The property is very old now and looks dated. Heater wasn't too very effective even in November. Didn't like the bathroom as well. Drivers room also isn't good and they also don't tend to like this place. All in all I wouldn't recommend this property as there are better 3 star properties in Paro.

  • Vinay Avasthi

    Vinay Avasthi


    You enter this hotel and you realize that at sometime in past it was a great property. Now it looks dated. Many of the fittings like electrical and plumbing don't work properly. That having said, the property has the best location for people who may be interested in visiting Tiger Nest. If one if inclined, you can even walk, otherwise the parking is approximately 4 kilometers from the resort. We were well taken care of by Vishnu. The food was good. Probably little more variety in breakfast would be great.

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