Hotel Phuntsho Pelri i Thimphu

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BhutanHotel Phuntsho Pelri



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Dondrup Lam, Thimphu, Bhutan
kontakter telefon: +975 2 334 970
internet side:
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Latitude: 27.473573, Longitude: 89.6366792

kommentar 5

  • Soheb



    Everything is good here but the internet is pethetic. You have to go downstairs in lobby to have use. No internet in rooms. (Better buy a new connection that cost just 250, instant activation and good internet. Voter id is required to get it)

  • en

    Willy Kuijpers


    The wifi didn't work well. The breakfast is very simple. The room is large and clean. The staff is friendly.

  • Taungza et Brotherbears

    Taungza et Brotherbears


    The service is excellent. The room is warm with a radiator. Beds are so comfortable. Food is OK. Main street is nearby in 5 min walk.

  • en

    Nilanjan Banerjee


    Decent hotel right in the heart of Thimphu, very close to the market Street. Cozy rooms with electric heaters. Only problem is a very small parking area on the street. Overall a decent stay. Food at the restaurant is decent but not exotic.

  • en

    Sangay Chophel


    I went there in Thai restaurant to have lunch with my Thai guest. The restaurant was great. But the napkins n the dinning table was so dirty. I and my guest change five napkin and even dirty. So we used paper napkin. We hardly see service team when we r in dinning.

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